Facility Management and Knowledge Management Policy
Quick Repair is committed to be recognized regionally as a Facilities Management Service Provider & employer of excellence, by embracing continuous improvement in partnership with our clients to achieve innovation, the best value, and total customer satisfaction with providing a high quality of services.
Quick Repair is committed to achieve and maintain excellence in facility Management disciplines to ensure functionality, comfort, safety, and efficiency of the built environment by integrating people, place, process, and technology with the sole purpose of improving the quality of life, of people and the productivity of the core business in accordance with the requirements prescribed in ISO 41001:2018 and ISO 30401:2018 requirements.
We are committed to:
- Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements that are related to the facility management services provisioned by Quick Repair and review the best practices that are applicable to the FM industry.
- This policy has considered the scope of FMS services and knowledge areas that are provisioned.
- The internal stakeholders are adequately resourced and equipped to set the FMS objectives that are consistent with the vision and mission of the company.
- A robust Risk management framework is embedded in the organization through other management system standards and is consistent with the requirements of ISO 41001:2018. The risk management practices are carefully considered and embedded in the services which are offered.
- The policy is developed in consideration with the characteristics and nature of Quick Repair’s operational capabilities, Client requirements, and the users of the premises where the services are offered.
- Knowledge management is noted as a continuous process and Quick Repair shall ensure it is embedded in each department’s objectives and is continually monitored.
- Quick Repair shall consider the evaluation of performance on a periodic basis and is committed to ensuring continuous improvement in the facility management practices are in place.
- This policy shall be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure the expectations and improvements are met.
Responsibility and guidelines:
The responsibility for implementation of this policy expectations rests upon all sectors of management and employees. The organization will take all reasonably practicable steps to reduce risk and to ensure the resources, people and provisions are in place for implementing this policy.
It is the responsibility of every employee of Quick Repair to assist and support the organization in the attainment of its FMS objectives. The organization expects employees to take reasonable care of their own health, safety, and welfare and that of others who may be affected by their actions.
This policy will be communicated to all employees, contractors, and other interested parties and will be reviewed periodically for effectiveness and relevance to the business. All employees and contractors adhere strictly to our policy at all times.